![Psilo – Psilocybin Mushroom Gummy Cubes 3.5g]()
Rated 5.00 out of 5
$50.00PSILO can help you use your mind to its fullest. microdosing, which is another name for sub-perceptual amounts. focuses on the brain’s pathways to improve cognitive function, sharpen focus, and boost imagination. Many people think of it as a productivity hack that makes you smarter and more productive at work. and always be ahead of the curve. Get more out of your daily life by getting into your “flow state” and improving your mood and ability to think deeply.
Rated 4.95 out of 5
$270.00 – $1,400.00Z-Strain is a rare member of the Psilocybe Cubensis family, which is also related to the magic mushroom family and is known for being very strong. It’s very hard to describe how this strain makes you feel because it causes strong hallucinations that turn into changing fractals. Time distorting, walls that aren’t see-through, and bright colors filling your field of vision. There are some claims that Z-Strain is genetic separation of Golden Teacher, but this is not true. This strain stands on its own and has its own unique effects, which you should enjoy to the best!